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  • Uniform & EQuipment

    We are proud of our school uniform and expect all students to wear the correct uniform each day. We believe it gives our students a sense of identify and belonging.

    To order uniform, please visit their website,





    Grey with badge (supplier only).


    White shirt with a collar, long or short-sleeved.

    Tie Light grey and burgundy stripe (supplier only).


    Plain black. Not denim or denim-style jeans & no large flares, no very tight trousers or leggings. No fashion trousers with decorative silver buttons, belts or decorated pockets.


    Black knee-length box pleat skirt .

    Shorts Tailored black shorts (supplier only). Must be worn with black or white ankle or knee-high socks and black school shoes.


    Plain black polishable with a sensible heel. Black trainers, trainers of any type or sport shoes are not allowed (ie Air Force 1). Boots should only be worn under trousers. Shoes with high or stiletto heels are not allowed. No canvas, casual shoes.

    Socks Plain black or white ankle or knee-high. Over the knee or mid-thigh socks are NOT allowed.


    Plain black or tan - recommended with a skirt.


    (optional additional item)

    Burgundy V-neck with school badge (supplier only). Only to be worn under the blazer.

    PE Uniform



    PE Shirt

    Burgundy shirt with school logo (supplier only).

    Black shirt with school logo - Btec Sport Students only in Years 9 10 & 11 (supplier only).

    Black Shorts and Skort Black compulsory (supplier only).
    Socks Black or white socks. Long black socks required for fixtures.

    PE Zip Top (optional)

    With school logo (supplier only).

    Burgundy for Years 7 & 8 and Core PE in Years 9, 10 & 11.

    Black for Btec Sports Students in Years 9, 10 & 11.

    Black Tracksuit bottoms/

    Sport leggings (optional)

    Please ensure the leggings are sport specific and not fashion leggings. Both tracksuit bottoms and leggings must be plain black.


    For all students black soled trainers cannot be worn in the Activity/Dance Studio or Sports Hall unless "non-marking". Gymnastics is performed in bare feet.

    Shin pads and gum shield  


    Permitted Jewellery

    • Maximum of two small pairs of stud earrings
    • A wrist watch
    • One single bracelet or band

    Non permitted Jewellery

    • Rings
    • Necklaces
    • Nose studs
    • Brow studs
    • Lip studs
    • Tongue studs
    • Eyebrow studs or rings
    • Any other piercing other than two studs in each ear
    • Multiple bracelets or fashion wrist bands


    The following hairstyles are not permitted

    • Bright eye-catching colours
    • Below grade 2
    • Tramlines


    • False eye lashes must be of a natural length and look
    • Subtle makeup is allowed i.e. natural looking

    Nail Polish and False/Acrylic Nails

    Nail polish and false nails/acrylics are not permitted. Students who decide to paint their nails and apply acrylic/false nails during term will be expected to remove the polish or the acrylic/false nails.

    Fake eye lashes

    Fake eye lashes must be of a natural length and look.


    Blazers are only available from the school’s suppliers. Blazers must always be worn to school (i.e. not left at home or carried in school bags).

    Blazers should be worn in lessons, assemblies, and registration time, unless the teacher gives permission for them to be removed (e.g. for practical lessons or when it is hot).

    Topcoats should never be worn in lessons, assemblies or registration time. If a topcoat is needed as well, then this can be worn over the blazer. A topcoat must not be worn instead of a blazer. Non-uniform jackets, sweatshirts, non-uniform jumpers, cardigans or hoodies etc must not be worn.


    The following topcoats and garments are not acceptable: denim jackets, leather studded jackets, jackets with an offensive badge, logos, designs and slogans, hoodies and sweatshirts, non-uniform jumpers, cardigans, large T-shirt etc. If a T-shirt is worn under the white school shirt, please ensure it is not visible.


    Trainers should only be worn during PE lessons, or when participating in a physical sport at break or lunchtime. Non-uniform shoes will only be accepted for medical conditions.


    No badges should be worn apart from the school badges for achievements such as student leadership, school council representative.

    Marking Uniform

    All items must be clearly marked with the student’s name. This will help to prevent items becoming lost and will enable mislaid articles to be returned. A marker pen can be used for this and is as good as a sewn in or ironed on label.

    Second Hand School Uniform

    We offer a second-hand uniform service (subject to availability). Please bring any clean uniform to our school reception.

    Equipment List

    All students are expected to bring the basic equipment to school.  Students will be expected to have the following equipment:

    • Pencil case
    • Ruler
    • Scientific calculator (the mathematics department sell these at a small cost)
    • 2 x Black pens
    • 2 x Pencils
    • Sharpener
    • Eraser
    • Reading book
    • A bag which will allow students to fit A4 folders or books

    Desirable items - highlighters, a green ballpoint pen, glue stick, protractor, compass.

    There will be regular checks of each student's equipment.  There will be rewards for students who are consistently well equipped and adopting a positive attitude to learning.

    Stationery Shop

    Students will be able to purchase stationery during break and lunch times in the school library.

    Students will not be able to buy equipment during lesson time.

    Price list:

    Eraser 5p

    Pencil sharpener 5p

    Pen 5p

    Pencil 5p

    Ruler 15p

    Pencil case 50p