Ofsted Inspection 2021
Ofsted inspected our school in October 2021
The inspectors recognised our continued improvement over the last 5 years since our last ‘Good’ judgement and the report provides many examples of our excellent work and our students’ excellent attitudes to school.
The report successfully captures how Oakmoor continues to go from strength to strength as a result of a talented professional staff working with ambitious young people, supported by committed parents and carers.
A few key statements are shared below and a link to the whole report appears further down this page.
- The school has continued to improve since the last inspection.
- Pupils say that they really mean it when they describe the school as being ‘like a family’. They feel well supported and cared for by all staff.
- Pupils appreciate the tutoring system, which places pupils of different ages into the same tutor group. They like the opportunity provided to get to know other pupils from different year groups, and they say that they ‘look out for each other’.
- Pupils conduct themselves very well and live up to adults’ high expectations of behaviour. They show respect and courtesy to their peers and the staff who work with them.
- Pupils appreciate being able to focus on their work in lessons without disruption.
- Around the school, the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly.
- Pupils feel safe at school.
- Leaders have made sure that the curriculum is carefully planned and well sequenced.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
- Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good support.
- Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour.
- Pupils behave very well in class and are enthusiastic about their lessons.
- Well-planned ‘experience days’ make a strong contribution to pupils’ broader development. Pupils appreciate and value these sessions.
- Safeguarding is a strength of the school.
- Parents say that their children feel safe at school.
- Pupils know who to go to if they need help and feel confident that their concerns will be dealt with
Many of our parents and carers completed the Ofsted Parent View survey. The reviews were exceptionally positive for a secondary school with the overwhelming majority of parents believing that their children are safe and happy in school and doing well.
- 94% agreed or strongly agreed that their child is happy
- 93% agreed or strongly agreed that their child is safe
- 91% agreed or strongly agreed that their child does well
- 94% agreed or strongly agreed that the school offers a good range of subjects
- 93% would recommend Oakmoor School to another parent/carer
To read the full report on the Ofsted website, please click here.