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Absence FAQ's

Common queries we receive and our normal responses.

Lack of Sleep - Please still send your child into school with a note or email to let us know they are likely to be tired. 

Absent, but able to learn - We can make a number of adaptations to get children back to school sooner than might be expected if recovering from an operation or injury.

Appointments - Medical and dental appointments should be made outside the school day wherever possible.

Absence of siblings - The absence or illness of a child should not affect the education of their siblings. If a child has an appointment (particularly at the beginning or end of the school day) arrangements should be made to ensure that the other sibling is either dropped off or collected on time.

Absence for Holiday - School holiday dates are issued to parents and published well in advance on our school website. 

Holidays in term time are not authorised. Only in the most exceptional circumstances will they be authorised.